Thursday, August 6, 2009

Is Every Article of Faith in the Bible?

Welcome back. Like I promised, today, we’ll answer the question: Is every article of faith in the Bible? When certain Catholic doctrines are mentioned, some people are quick to ask: Is it in the Bible? Such people should be told that the Bible itself says that every article of the Christian faith is not, and cannot be found in the sacred book. Let’s read from the Bible:

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the
disciples, which are not in this book.” (John 20:30)

John tells us elsewhere:

But there are also many other things which Jesus did;
were everyone of them to be written, I suppose that the
whole world itself could not contain the books that
would be written.” (John 21:25)

And shortly before His death Jesus Himself said:

I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot
bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will
guide you into all the truth … and he will declare to
you the things to come.” (John 16:12-13)

We see from the above passages that certain truths were “unwritten” and others “are to come.” Elsewhere in the Bible, we read things like “traditions,” “instructions by word of mouth,” “much to write to you … I would rather not use paper and ink, but … talk to you face to face” (see 2 Thess 2:15, 3:6; 1 Cor 11:2; 2 Tim 1:13; 2 John 1:12). Now these things actually happened, but how and where can they be found in the Bible?

Every article of faith cannot be found in the Bible for the Bible says so. Some are handed down as tradition and word of mouth; others were and are still being revealed by the Holy Spirit after the Bible was written.

In the next edition, I’ll be answering the question: Does purgatory exist?

If you would like to get a head start by accessing the complete list of answers to the most popular questions Protestants pose to Catholics about the scriptural basis of their faith and belief system, which I’m going to be treating in the next couple of months, you may visit

Have a blessed day!