Saturday, August 8, 2009

Does Purgatory Exist? - Part One

Today, I’m going to offer some real scriptural proofs of the existence of purgatory. The doctrine of purgatory is one of the most contentious issues Protestants have with the Catholic faith. Most Catholics have little or no idea how to answer a question from a Protestant on the biblical support for purgatory. Here we go.

The term “purgatory” is derived from the Latin word “purgare” which means “to purge” or “to cleanse” or “to make pure.” It is the name given to that intermediate state where the souls of the dead are purified, and assisted by the prayers of the living. Although the term is not mentioned in the Bible, however, its existence can easily be proved by reference to certain passages in the Bible. John the Beloved Apostle defines two kinds of sin: one that leads to eternal death, and another that is equally sin, but does not lead to eternal death:

All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin which is not
mortal.” (1 John 5:7)

Jesus defines mortal or eternal sin as sin that leads to eternal damnation or death of soul:

Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never
has forgiveness, but is guilty of eternal (mortal) sin.”
(Mark 3:29)

Elsewhere, we are reminded that:

Nothing unclean shall enter it (that is, the kingdom
of God).” (Rev 21:27)

Paul also tells us:

Strive for peace with all men, and for the holiness
without which no one will see the Lord.” (Heb 12:14)

For this reason, Christ constantly reminds us that we must strive to be without any stain of sin, whether it leads to death or not:

You therefore must be perfect as your heavenly Father
is perfect.” (Matt 5:45)

If indeed “nothing unclean shall enter the kingdom of heaven,” and that we cannot enter heaven unless we are “perfect,” “clean,” and “holy” (that is, without a stain of any kind of sin including that “which is not mortal”), the question is: If a person has committed a “wrongdoing that is sin, but … which is not mortal,” and dies without having the chance of confessing this “wrongdoing which is not mortal” (that is, not leading to eternal damnation or hell), where does he go?

He cannot go to heaven because he is not yet perfect as God and all those who dwell in heaven are perfect (Matt 5:45). The stain of his wrongdoing (sin) has made him “unclean” (unfit, imperfect, unholy) to enter heaven. He cannot go to hell for his “wrongdoing (sin) is not “mortal” (does not lead to eternal damnation). Where then does he go?

He goes to purgatory where he is cleansed or purged (verb form of purgatory) of all his “wrongdoing (sins) that are not mortal,” which he was not opportune to confess before he died. Consider the consequence of committing a minor “wrongdoing that is sin, but … which is not mortal,” such as looking a second longer at the vain things of the world, straying in our thoughts, uttering a “careless word:”

I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render
account of every careless word they utter.” (Matt 12:36)

These are the sort of things that make us “imperfect,” “unholy,” “unclean” or “unfit” to enter the kingdom of heaven, but will not take us to hell. They are all “sinful wrongdoings” for which “men will render (an) account on the judgment day.” Only a hypocrite will deny that they do not unavoidably encounter these minor imperfections in their daily lives. Christ was actually referring to purgatory when He said:

Truly, I say to you, you will never get out till you
have paid the last penny.” (Matt 5:26)

Ok, I'll stop here for today. In the second Part, I'll present more biblical proof of the existence of purgatory.

If you want to access the complete treatment of the biblical support of Catholic doctrines, teachings and practices, you may visit our website at:

Have a blessed day.